July 5



Susan Wojcicki 1968

Wojcicki by 2006 was running Google Video — which was getting trounced by YouTube

Wojcicki’s solution to that problem shows her calm under fire. With just a day’s notice, she developed and presented to Google’s board the financial model justifying the $1.65 billion purchase.

*Show calm under fire today and be looking for a way to turn a negative into a positive.


Megan Rapinoe 1985

Breakfast: Between 7 and 8 [a.m.]. I have an egg sandwich with onion and spinach on an English muffin and then I try to chill out in the morning. I like to have that time []

Morning workout: around 11 or so, I get my workout going. If I don’t do it then, I’ll think about it all day, so I like to get it over with to start my day. Pilates, cardio and strength work []

End of the day: I typically also do some stretching before bed. It calms me down and gets the aches and pains out from the day, and then I can sleep easily []

CROSSOVER: MIND – I like to read before bed. It calms me and makes me fall asleep. It takes me so long to read books because I fall asleep. The last book I read was Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow []

*Start and end your day like world champion Megan Rapinoe


PT Barnum 1810

Barnum’s Universalist Church is the only one that believes in success.

*Investigate the Universalist Church – it may be for you. Also watch The Greatest Showman for both Soul and Money motivation.


BONUS: Huey Lewis 1950 – “It’s true, I do like cheering people up.”


Chris Cline 1958 (d. 7/4/2019)

Cline spent time down in the mines before moving to management. Unlike some billionaire inheritors, he has experience down in the pits and knows the base functionality of his business. He’s lived it.

*You have both life and job experience. Why can’t you move to the management side of the business and run it the way you wish it was operating now.


Edie Falco 1963 – watch Nurse Jackie

*Watch Falco win a Primetime Emmy in Nurse Jackie.


RZA 1969

“to be honest with you bro, no animal needs to die for me to live, ok?”

To celebrate its commitment to using only real ingredients in its food, Chipotle Mexican Grill collaborated with RZA, creator of the Wu-Tang Clan and famous vegan, to create SAVOR.WAVS, an immersive digital experience that reinterprets each ingredient in Chipotle’s food as music and responsive visuals.

*Eat at Chipotle – but only the vegetarian options.

SNUB – Stephanie McIntosh 1985

July 4



Calvin Coolidge 1872

“You can’t know too much, but you can say too much.”

*For a guy nicknamed “Silent” Cal, this speaks volumes. Speak as little as possible today.


The Situation 1982 – your playbook for today

1) Eat every few hours. Aim for 6 small meals/ day—3 meals and 3 protein shakes []

2) Drink tons of water [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

3) Choose lean proteins, fruits, and veggies []

4) Get six to eight hours of sleep []

5) Avoid simple carbs and junk calories []

*Sound advice from the Situation. Much better than GTL (gym, tan, laundry). Use this as your eating playbook today. Splurge with a canteen dog to celebrate the 4th.

BONUS: Carrie Keegan 1980 – boxing as your workout

Boxing burns over 400 calories per hour, tightens your core and sculpts lean muscle. VH1’s Big Morning Buzz Live host Carrie Keagan takes us through her latest lesson.



Bill Withers 1938

Unconvinced that music would pay off, he held on to his day job until he was laid off in the months before the album’s release.

*Listen to Bill Withers today – it’s good for your soul.


George Steinbrenner 1930

Steinbrenner believed he would always get what he paid for, and so he was willing to pay the very most.

*I know the goal is to save money but think long term when buying things like a car or a washing machine. Get the best and save money in the long run.


Ron Kovic 1946 – watch Born on the Fourth of July

There is a nerve agent that would paralyze Cruise for a few days, and he was open to the idea of using it.

*Yesterday was Tom Cruise’s birthday (born on the 3rd of July), watch him almost win an Oscar as Ron Kovic today in Born on the Fourth of July.


Andrew Zimmern 1961 – Canteen Dog and caramel apple pie.

The way to improve on a classic apple pie is to layer the filling with decadent homemade caramel sauce.

*It’s the 4th of July, you’ve got to have a hot dog and apple pie.



SNUB – Post Malone 1995 – “You probably think that you are better now.”

July 3



Julian Assange 1971

“Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love.”

What is an injustice you have witnessed?

How did you act?


Olivia Munn 1980

Munn eats 80% raw and pays close attention to stretching

*How much did you stretch?

Jot down what you ate for each meal – shoot for 80% raw

Breakfast __________________________________________________________________________

Snack ______________________________________________________________________________

Lunch ______________________________________________________________________________

Snack ______________________________________________________________________________

Dinner _____________________________________________________________________________


Montel Williams 1956

“One of the greatest minds of the last century said, ‘A living is made by what you get, a life is made by what you give,’”

“I define success by people who understand that the universe will open up to you if you recognize your responsibility to give back.”

*Give back today and the universe will open up to you. Think of donating to MS Foundation – one of Montel’s favorite causes.


Scott Borchetta 1962

Borchetta looked at the most doom-laden climate in the history of the modern music industry, and decided it was the perfect time to start a record label.

*What is an industry that is doom-laden?

 How can you turn it into a dynamic enterprise again?


Tom Cruise 1962 – watch Jerry Maguire


*Today is the day. While watching Cruise almost win an Oscar in Jerry Maguire, when you hear “show me the money!” crack open the piggy bank full of $5 bills that you’ve been saving since Cuba Gooding Jr’s birthday on Jan. 2.


Sandra Lee 1966 – broiled tilapia with summer succotash

*Enjoy Lee’s broiled tilapia with summer succotash while watching Jerry Maguire with your soulmate.


SNUB – Gloria Allred 1941

July 2



Thurgood Marshall 1908

“We will only attain freedom if we learn to appreciate what is different and muster the courage to discover what is fundamentally the same.”

*Learn to appreciate what is different about people so you can discover what is the same. Watch Marshall for motivation.


Alex Morgan 1989

Morgan runs through a series of exercises to build core strength and speed.

*Laugh while doing these Alex Morgan core exercises.


Medgar Evers 1925

“When you hate, the only person that suffers is you because most of the people you hate don’t know it and the rest don’t care.”

*Think of someone you hate – do they know it?

Do they care?

P.S. – Don’t hate.


Ashley Tisdale 1985

“I started to realize, You know I’m turning 30 and I want to do all these different things. I always had a fear of what if it doesn’t work out, or what if this happens, or what if people don’t see me as an actress anymore. But nowadays you can do it all. I saw throughout having a production company for eight years that yeah, I produce and stuff, but I’m still able to do acting, I’m still able to balance that, and so I can balance even more stuff. I just felt like, why not? Just go out and do what you want to do and be creative.”

*Just go out and do what you want to do and be creative. This is my 365DOLF mantra.

BONUS: Richard Petty 1937

Petty’s resilience has landed him in the perfect spot to succeed–he now has the money and the control.

*Be resilient and always go for both the money and control of your business.


Margot Robbie 1990 – watch Bombshell

*Watch Robbie almost win an Oscar as a Fox News employee.

CROSSOVER: FOOD – “I projectile vomited 1.8 kilos of spaghetti” – Margot Robbie


Larry David 1947 – The Larry David Sandwich

A sandwich is named in Larry’s honor at his favorite deli, Leo’s. However, Larry’s irked by the restaurant’s gesture because he’s not a fan of its contents: smoked sable, whitefish salad, cream cheese, onions and capers. “I’m not really a big fish guy, to tell you the truth. I’m more of a pastrami/corned beef kind of guy,”

*Go to the nearest deli or make your own Larry David Sandwich.

BONUS: Lindsay Lohan 1986 – Wash it down with The Lindsay Lohan Drink.

SNUB – Jose Canseco 1964