
I can’t wait for tomorrow! 365DOLF starts today. If you don’t want to start Living Famously today, use this as a preview for 12/31/19.

Look for the * for my suggestions. Happy New Year!

DECEMBER 31 – New Years Eve


General George Meade 1815

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During the battle of Gettysburg, although still new to the command of his army, and suffering great losses of such leaders as John Reynolds, Meade was able to both hold off Lee’s attacks and finally smash the Confederate army on the third day.  After the battle, Lee was able to retreat back into Virginia, and Meade received harsh criticism from President Abraham Lincoln for not finishing off the Army of Northern Virginia in its weakened state.


*You’ve held off the attacks, now finish off this year!


Gabby Douglas 1995

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“When I stood on the podium at the 2012 Games and lowered my head so the gold medal could be placed around my neck, I reflected on many things,” Gabby told us. “I thought about all the sacrifices that had to be made, all the obstacles, and all of the time spent in order for me to achieve my dream. I thought to myself, ‘It was all worth it.’ It was also in that moment that I knew my goal of making it on the 2016 Rio Olympics team was possible.”

  • I wake up at 7 a.m. every day.
  • 8 a.m.-12 p.m. — This is what we refer to as morning training.
  • It’s noon; that means it’s time for my two-hour lunch break.
  • The afternoon training is two and a half hours.
  • I head home around 4:30 p.m.
  • I like to catch up with my family before dinner.
  • I enjoy getting into bed early.


*Think about all the sacrifices you made this year, all the obstacles to becoming the best person you can be. It was worth it. Think about incorporating Gabby’s training schedule next year, when applicable.


Ben Kingsley 1943

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In his quest for authenticity, Mr. Kingsley not only shaved his head and lost 20 pounds on Gandhi’s vegetarian diet, but he also studied yoga, began to meditate and learned to spin cotton thread on a wooden wheel, as Gandhi had done while holding conversations.


*Weight loss, yoga, and meditation – all things you’ve done this year and all good for your soul.


CROSSOVER: *Watch Gandhi and get your soul right for the new year.


Nicholas Sparks 1965

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Within a few months, Sparks, 43, had donated nearly $900,000 toward a state-of-the-art track. Soon after, Sparks—a former 800-meter standout at Notre Dame—signed on as a volunteer assistant coach for the high school team and the club, most of whose runners come from low-income and at-risk families.


*With all of the money that you’ve saved this year, how much could you give back to kids from low-income and at-risk families? If not money, how about time?



CROSSOVER: *If you are a hopeless romantic, you can turn the last day of the year into a Nicholas Sparks movie marathon.


Anthony Hopkins 1937 – watch Silence of the Lambs

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People taking MAOIs are given a long list of high-tyramine foods and beverages to avoid or limit. On that list: liver, fava beans, and red wine.




*You now have a NYE tradition of watching Silence of the Lambs before (or part of) your NYE festivities.

CROSSOVER: *Serve liver, fava beans, and a nice chianti to your dinner guests or bring this combination to a party and let the guests know that it’s Anthony Hopkins’ birthday.


John Denver 1943 – Denver Omelet

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John Denver’s music clearly reflects the conscience of a concerned citizen, a man working for the improvement of the quality of life for all people environmentally, socially and politically.


*Enjoy a nice Denver Omelet to start the last day of the year, while of course listening to some John Denver.

Your New Years Resolution is to follow 365DOLF again.

WHO GOT SNUBBED? Val Kilmer 1959


  • Finish this year off
  • Fallow Gabby’s daily schedule
  • Continue to practice Yoga and Meditation
  • Donate time and/or money to at-risk kids
  • Watch Silence of the Lambs
  • Start your day with a Denver omelette

Prelude to 365DOLF

Just 2 more days and 1/1/2019

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“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

Get started on January 1.

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self.” – Ernest Hemingway

Image result for ernest hemingway7/21/1899

Your goal is to be a better person on December 31 than you were on January 1.

“We must use time as a tool, not as a couch.” – JFK

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365DOLF is a game plan for life. With it you will always have something to do, to better yourself.

“1995. $7 Bucks In My Pocket. I Knew Two Things: I’m Broke As Hell and One Day I Won’t Be” – The Rock

Image result for the rock5/2/1972

Make this year the year that you change your life forever.

“I’ve made over 20 movies, and 5 of them are good.” – Tom Hanks

Image result for tom hanks7/9/1956

If you’ve had a bad day, you’ve got 364 more.

“Everybody has a calling. And your real job in life is to figure out as soon as possible what that is, who you were meant to be, and to begin to honor that in the best way possible for yourself.” ― Oprah Winfrey

Image result for oprah1/29/1954

By the end of this year, you will know your calling and who you were meant to be.

How to Use 365DOLF

For the best results, make sure you have the 365DOLF workbook (starting in 2020) to go along with each famous suggestion, each day.

Use all 6 birthdays to expand your mind each day by learning about each individual with general or unique information about them. All of the birthdays serve as conversation starters throughout the day.  However, the MIND birthday focuses more on improving your life by expanding your mind. This is where having journal can be most useful.

Image result for madame curieMadame Curie 11/7/1867

Use the BODY birthday for a specific workout each day. This keeps you from getting in a rut at the gym, or not knowing what to do. If there is not a suggested workout, there will be advice offered on health and nutrition. Use the days with no workouts as rest days or perform a workout that you’ve liked from the past. It is best to have a gym membership, and in a perfect world – a personal trainer.

Image result for jillian michaelsJillian Michaels 2/18/1974

Use the SOUL birthday to become more spiritual and enlightened. Some of the advice may not coincide with your set religion, but look at it as a way to expand your mind and your soul towards becoming the best person you can be. Some days you can just sit back and listen to soul music. You will also have several opportunities to donate to charities. Pick the ones that speak to your soul and contribute money or time and energy.

Image result for king of soul james brownJames Brown 3/3/1933

The MONEY birthday can be used in a variety of ways. Depending on that day’s birthday, you will get advice on saving, investing, and personal finances. Some of the MONEY birthdays however, will focus on starting and running your own business. Hopefully by 2021 you will feel like I do, and no longer want to make money for someone else.

Image result for jeff bezos #1Jeff Bezos 1/12/1964

Use the ENTERTAINMENT birthday for what it is – a daily escape from reality. Using the internet, find free music to listen to throughout your day, and especially when making dinner. Using services like Netflix, watch the suggested movie or TV show as a nightcap on your day. Other forms of entertainment include reading, board games, video games, and chess. As with all birthdays, don’t be afraid to adapt as you see fit.

Image result for justin timberlakeJustin Timberlake 1/31/1981

Finally, use the FOOD birthday has a suggestion for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack. Most birthdays come with a suggested recipe but sometimes a restaurant is suggested. There are even some days that map out all of your meals for that day. The good thing about famous people is that they usually eat pretty well, so most of the recipes are heart (and waistline) healthy. But don’t worry, there are some epic cheat days. Some days even have a bonus cocktail to wash it all down. If your goal this year is to lose weight, eat accordingly – but gone are the days of not being able to answer, “What’s for dinner?”

Image result for bobby flayBobby Flay 12/10/1964

A side goal is to have 6 new daily habits by the end of the year. By 12/31, you may be doing the following on a daily basis…

MIND – meditating every day

BODY – doing squats as you brush your teeth every day

SOUL – saying your daily prayer that you have memorized

MONEY – spending time each day on your business plans – not just someone else’s

ENTERTAINMENT – escape from reality every day

FOOD – eating 5 small meals a day

Built into 365DOLF are things that should be done that we sometimes forget about or put off for another year. Things like going to the dentist at 2:30 (tooth hurty) on 2/13 (tooth hurtin). Getting a heart checkup, cholesterol levels checked, and cancer screenings – to name a few.

There are also built in reminders to call your mom, play catch with your kids, chase your dog around, and dance with your partner.

Whatever you do, don’t take any of this too seriously. Have fun and get out of this book what YOU need to Live Famously.

E-Mail Me

Big news! You can now reach me at a real company e-mail. If you have any questions about how I’m going to guide you through 365 Days of Living Famously, please email me.


New Year’s Day will be here soon. Hit the ground running on 1/1/2019.

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Tom Hanks (7/9/1956)

365DOLF List of Chapters

KEY: (GOAT) = Greatest Of All Time, (#) = Current World’s Billionaire Ranking, DOLFIEST = most like the goals of 365DOLF

Chapter 1:           January


MIND – Sir Isaac Newton 1/4/1643, Stephen Hawking 1/8/1942, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (GOAT) 1/15/1929, Benjamin Franklin 1/17/1706, FDR 1/30/1882

BODY – LL Cool J 1/14/1968, Jack Nicklaus (GOAT) 1/21/1940, Wayne Gretzky (GOAT) 1/26/1961, Christian Bale 1/30/1974

SOUL – Lucrieta Mott 1/3/1793, Dian Fossey 1/16/1932, Muhammed Ali (GOAT) 1/17/1942, Oral Roberts 1/24/1919

MONEY – Jeff Bezos (#1) 1/13/1964, Paul Allen (#44) 1/21/1953, Carlos Slim (#7) 1/28/1940

ENTERTAINMENT – Elvis Presley (GOAT) 1/8/1935, Alexander Hamilton 1/11/1757,  Mozart 1/27/1756, Justin Timberlake 1/31/1981

FOOD – Bradley Cooper 1/5/1975, Michelle Obama 1/17/1964, Paula Deen 1/18/1947, Guy Fieri 1/22/1968


Chapter 2:           February


MIND – Ronald Reagan 2/6/1911, Thomas Edison (GOAT) 2/11/1847, Charles Darwin 2/12/1809, George Washington 2/22/1732, Steve Jobs 2/24/1955

BODY – Ronda Rousey 2/1/1987, Jillian Michaels 2/18/1974, Floyd Mayweather (GOAT) 2/24/1974

SOUL – Rosa Parks (GOAT) 2/4/1913, Frederick Douglass 2/14/1818, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 2/27/1807

MONEY – Abraham Lincoln 2/12/1809, Michael Bloomberg (#11) 2/14/1942, Michael Jordan (GOAT) 2/17/1963, Michael Dell (#39) 2/23/1965, Phil Knight (#28) 2/24/1938, Tony Robbins 2/29/1960

ENTERTAINMENT – Bob Marley 2/6/1945, Chris Farley 2/15/1964, Johnny Cash 2/26/1932

FOOD – Babe Ruth (GOAT) 2/6/1895, Aaron Sanchez 2/12/1976, Kristin Davis 2/24/1965


Chapter 3:           March


MIND – Alexander Graham Bell 3/3/1847, Michelangelo 3/6/1475, Albert Einstein (GOAT) 3/14/1879, Andrew Jackson 3/15/1757

BODY – Chuck Norris 3/10/1940, Anthony Davis 3/11/1993, Rob Lowe 3/17/1964, JJ Watt 3/22/1989, Cy Young (GOAT) 3/29/1876

SOUL – Joel Olsteen 3/5/1953, St. Nicholas 3/15/270, Mr. Rogers 3/20/1928, Pat Robertson 3/22/1930, Aretha Franklin 3/25/1942, Cesar Chavez 3/31/1927

MONEY – Kenneth Cole 3/23/1954, Tommy Hilfiger 3/24/1951, Sam Walton 3/29/1918

ENTERTAINMENT – Carrie Underwood 3/10/1983, Adam Levine 3/18/1979, Elton John 3/25/1947, Mariah Carey (GOAT) 3/27/1970, Vince Vaughn 3/28/1970

FOOD – Tyler Florence 3/3/1971, Stephen Curry 3/14/1988, Mia Hamm 3/17/1972, Ayesha Curry 3/23/1989

DOLFIEST DAY IN MARCH – 3/17 – St. Patrick’s Day

Chapter 4:           April


MIND – Maya Angelou 4/4/1928, Thomas Jefferson 4/13/1743, Leonardo da Vinci 4/15/1452, William Shakespeare (GOAT) 4/23/1564

BODY – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 4/16/1947, Channing Tatum 4/26/1980, Jessica Alba 4/28/1981, Gal Gadot 4/30/1985

SOUL – Jane Goodall 4/3/1934, Pope Benedict XVI 4/16/1927, Coretta Scott King 4/27/1927

MONEY – Robert Kiyosaki 4/8/1947, Hugh Hefner (GOAT) 4/9/1926, JP Morgan 4/17/1837

ENTERTAINMENT – Jack Nicholson 4/22/1937, Barbra Streisand 4/24/1942, Al Pacino 4/25/1940, Jerry Seinfeld (GOAT) 4/29/1954

FOOD – Sunny Anderson 4/9/1975, Seth Rogan 4/15/1982, James Franco 4/19/1978, Luther Vandross 4/20/1945


Chapter 5:           May


MIND – Karl Marx 5/5/1818, Sigmund Freud 5/6/1856, George Lucas 5/14/1944, JFK  (GOAT) 5/29/1917

BODY – Olivia Culpo 5/8/1992, Emmitt Smith (GOAT) 5/15/1969, Jim Thorpe 5/28/1888

SOUL – James Brown 5/3/1933, Florence Nightingale 5/12/1820, Pope John Paul II 5/18/1920, Malcolm X 5/19/1925

MONEY – James Dyson 5/2/1947, Mark Zuckerberg (#5) 5/14/1984, Cornelius Vanderbilt 5/27/1794

ENTERTAINMENT – The Rock (GOAT) 5/2/1972, George Clooney 5/7/1961, Billy Joel 5/9/1949, Clint Eastwood 5/31/1930

FOOD – James Beard 5/5/1903, Amanda Freitag 5/11/1972, George Brett 5/15/1953, Adam Richman 5/16/1974, Ted Allen 5/20/1965, Jamie Oliver 5/27/1975


Chapter 6:           June


MIND – Marilyn Monroe (GOAT) 6/1/1926, John Nash 6/13/1928, John Paul Sartre 6/21/1905, Elon Musk (#54) 6/28/1971

BODY – Raphael Nadal 6/3/1986, Dr. Oz 6/11/1960, Nicole Kidman 6/20/1967, Lionel Messi 6/24/1987, Michael Phelps (GOAT) 6/30/1980

SOUL – Brigham Young 6/1/1801, Joyce Meyer 6/3/1943, TD Jakes 6/9/1957, Anne Frank 6/12/1929, Helen Keller 6/27/1880

MONEY – Evan Spiegel 6/3/1990, Adam Smith 6/4/1723, Donald Trump 6/14/1946, Vera Wang 6/27/1949

ENTERTAINMENT – Morgan Freeman (GOAT) 6/1/1937, Mark Wahlberg 6/4/1971, Prince 6/8/1958, Johnny Depp 6/9/1963, Tupac 6/16/1971, Paul McCartney 6/18/1942

FOOD – Delia Smith 6/18/1941, Alex Guarnaschelli 6/20/1972, Meryl Streep 6/22/1949, Anthony Bourdain 6/25/1956, Marcus Wareing 6/29/1970


Chapter 7:           July


MIND – Princess Diana 7/1/1961, Thurgood Marshall 7/2/1908, John D. Rockefeller 7/8/1939, Henry David Thoreau 7/12/1817 Julius Caesar 6/13/100 bc, Ernest Hemingway 7/21/1899, Henry Ford 7/30/1863, JK Rowling 7/31/1965

BODY – Alex Morgan 7/2/1989, Kevin Hart 7/6/1979, Lisa Leslie 7/7/1972, Antonio Brown 7/10/1988, Connor MacGregor 7/14/1988, Jesse Ventura 7/15/1951, Gisselle Bundchen 7/20/1980, Terry Crews 7/30/1968

SOUL – Dalai Lama 7/6/1935, Arthur Ashe 7/10/1943, Nelson Mandela 7/18/1918, Emmett Till 7/25/1941

MONEY – Nikola Tesla 7/10/1856, Richard Branson 7/18/1950, Alex Rodriguez 6/27/1975, Arnold Schwarzenegger 7/30/1947, Mark Cuban 7/31/1958

ENTERTAINMENT – Tom Cruise 7/3/1962, Sylvester Stallone 7/6/1946, Kevin Bacon 7/8/1958, Tom Hanks 7/9/1956, Harrison Ford 7/13/1942, Will Farrell 7/16/1967, Robin Williams 7/21/1951, Jennifer Lopez 7/24/1969, Mick Jagger 7/26/1943

FOOD – Sandra Lee 7/3/1966, Andrew Zimmern 7/4/1961, Wolfgang Puck 7/8/1949, Geoffrey Zakarian 7/25/1959, Alton Brown 7/30/1962


Chapter 8:           August – DOLFIEST MONTH OF THE YEAR


MIND – Barack Obama 8/4/1961, Napoleon Bonaparte 8/15/1769, Bill Clinton 8/19/1946, John Locke 8/29/1632

BODY – Jason Mamoa 8/1/1979, Tom Brady (GOAT) 8/3/1977, Sidney Crosby 8/7/1987, Hulk Hogan 8/11/1953, Madonna 8/16/1958, Usain Bolt (GOAT) 8/21/1986, Cal Ripken Jr. 8/24/1960, Ted Williams (GOAT) 8/30/1918

SOUL – Jerry Falwell 8/11/1933, Roberto Clemente 8/18/1934, Rudy Ruettiger 8/23/1948, Mother Theresa (GOAT) 8/26/1910

MONEY – Roger Federer 8/8/1981, Steve Wozniak 8/11/1950, Magic Johnson 8/14/1859, Larry Ellison (#10) 8/17/1944, Warren Buffett (#3) 8/30/1930

ENTERTAINMENT – Charlize Theron 8/7/1975, Whitney Houston 8/9/1963, Halle Berry 8/14/1966, Jennifer Lawrence 8/15/1990, Steve Carrell 8/16/1962, Robert De Niro 8/17/1943, Michael Jackson 8/29/1958

FOOD – Martha Stewart 8/3/1941, Julia Child 8/15/1912, Wilt Chamberlain 8/21/1936, Giada De Laurentiis 8/22/1970, Kobe Bryant 8/23/1978, Rachel Ray 8/25/1968


Chapter 9:           September


MIND – Elizabeth I 9/7/1533, Leo Tolstoy 9/9/1828, James Fenimore Cooper 9/15/1789, F. Scott Fitzgerald 9/24/1896, Confucius 9/28/551 bc

BODY – Kevin Love 9/7/1988, Brooke Burke 9/8/1971, Jesse Owens 9/12/1913, Dan Marino 9/15/1961, Serena Williams (GOAT) 9/26/1981, Gwyneth Paltrow 9/27/1972

SOUL – Ruby Bridges 9/8/1954, Otis Redding 9/9/1941, Phil Jackson (GOAT) 9/17/1945, Ray Charles 9/23/1930

MONEY – Dave Ramsey 9/3/1960, Arnold Palmer 9/10/1929, William Wrigley 9/30/1861

ENTERTAINMENT – Beyonce 9/4/1981, Pink 9/8/1979, Bill Murray 9/21/1950, Bruce Springsteen 9/23/1949, Will Smith 9/25/1968

FOOD – Padma Lakshmi 9/1/1970, Jack Daniel 9/5/1950, Col. Sanders 9/9/1890, Milton Hershey 9/13/1857, Katie Lee 9/14/1981, William Howard Taft 9/15/1857, Michael Symon 9/19/1969, Anne Burrell 9/21/1969, Robert Irvine 9/24/1964


Chapter 10:         October


MIND – Neil deGrasse Tyson 10/5/1958, Dwight D. Eisenhower 10/14/1890, Friederich Nietzsche 10/15/1844, Alfred Nobel 10/21/1833, Sanjay Gupta 10/23/1969, Stephen Covey 10/24/1932, Theodore Roosevelt 10/27/1858, John Adams 10/30/1735

BODY – Mario Lemieux 10/5/1965, Jerry Rice (GOAT) 10/13/1962, Bryce Harper 10/16/1992, Zac Efron 10/18/1987, Mickey Mantle 10/20/1931, Pele (GOAT) 10/23/1940, Dan Gable (GOAT) 10/25/1948

SOUL – Gandhi 10/2/1869, Kate Winslet 10/5/1975, Tony Dungy 10/6/1955, Bishop Desmond Tutu 10/7/1931, Jesse Jackson 10/8/1941, John Wooden 10/14/1910, Pope John Paul I 10/17/1912, Deepak Chopra 10/22/1946

MONEY – Russell Simmons 10/4/1957, George Westinghouse 10/6/1846, Jerry Jones 10/13/1942, Ralph Loren 10/14/1939, Snoop Dogg 10/20/1971, Kim Kardashian 10/21/1980, Bill Gates (#2) 10/28/1955

ENTERTAINMENT – Bruno Mars 10/8/1985, John Lennon 10/9/1940, Hugh Jackman 10/12/1968, John Mayer 10/16/1977, Eminem 10/17/1972, Ne-Yo 10/18/1982, Carrie Fisher 10/21/1956

FOOD – Fred DeLuca 10/3/1947, Ray Kroc 10/5/1902, Henry Heinz 10/11/1844, Emeril Lagasse 10/15/1959, Julia Roberts 10/28/1967


Chapter 11:         November


MIND – Madame Curie 11/7/1867, George Patton 11/11/1885, Bobby Kennedy 11/20/1925, Bill Nye 11/27/1955, Winston Churchill 11/30/1874

BODY – Matthew McConaughey 11/4/1969, Amy Purdy 11/7/1979, Giancarlo Stanton 11/8/1989, Oscar Robertson 11/24/1938, Joe DiMaggio 11/25/1914, Bruce Lee (GOAT) 11/27/1940

SOUL – Pat Tillman 11/6/1976, Billy Graham (GOAT) 11/7/1918, Martin Luther 11/10/1483, Joseph Simmons 11/14/1964, Dorothea Dix 11/18/1861, Mark Twain 11/30/1835

MONEY – Tim Cook 11/1/1960, Leonardo DiCaprio 11/11/1974, Ted Turner 11/19/1938, Dale Carnegie 11/24/1888, Andrew Carnegie (GOAT) 11/25/1835, Mariano Rivera (GOAT) 11/29/1969

ENTERTAINMENT – Martin Scorsese 11/17/1942, Scarlett Johansson 11/22/1984, Tina Turner 11/26/1939, Jimi Hendrix 11/27/1942, Ben Stiller 11/30/1965

FOOD – Curtis Stone 11/4/1975, Gordon Ramsay 11/8/1966, Meg Ryan 11/19/1961, Joey Chestnut 11/25/1983


Chapter 12:         December


MIND – Noam Chomsky 12/7/1928, Emily Dickinson 12/10/1830, Howard Hughes 12/24/1905, Woodrow Wilson 12/28/1856

BODY – Aaron Rogers 12/2/1983, Giannis Antetokounmpo, 12/6/1994, Larry Bird 12/7/1956, Jane Fonda 12/21/1937, Lebron James 12/30/1984

SOUL – Benny Hinn 12/3/1952, Ryan White 12/6/1971, Pope Francis 12/16/1936, Reggie White 12/19/1961, Joseph Smith 12/23/1805, John Legend 12/28/1978, Sandy Kofax 12/30/1935

MONEY – Walt Disney 12/5/1901, Taylor Swift 12/13/1989, Steven Spielberg 12/18/1946, Tiger Woods 12/30/1975

ENTERTAINMENT – Britney Spears 12/2/1981, Jay Z 12/4/1969, Frank Sinatra 12/12/1915, Jamie Foxx 12/13/1967, Beethoven (GOAT) 12/16/1770, Christina Aguilera 12/18/1980, Denzel Washington 12/28/1956, Anthony Hopkins 12/31/1937

FOOD – Charles Pillsbury 12/3/1842, Bobby Flay 12/10/1964, Marco White 12/11/1961, Duff Goldman 12/17/1974, Brad Pitt 12/18/1963, Samuel L. Jackson 12/21/1948, Jimmy Buffet 12/25/1946, Laila Ali 12/30/1977


Preview of Christmas 2019

DECEMBER 25 – Merry Christmas

Remember that the 365DOLF advice starts with an *

Everything else is general information on our 6 famous birthdays. Unfortunately Baby Jesus is not one of them today.

Was Jesus born on December 25?

Image result for jesus born

There is no evidence for this date. So then, who decided that Jesus’ birth would be celebrated on that date? The early Christian church did not celebrate Jesus’ birth. It wasn’t until A.D. 440 that the church officially proclaimed December 25 as the birth of Christ. This was not based on any religious evidence but on a pagan feast. Saturnalia was a tradition inherited by the Roman pagans from an earlier Babylonian priesthood. December 25 was used as a celebration of the birthday of the sun god. It was observed near the winter solstice.



Robert Ripley 1890

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Take care of yourself. A fitness nut in his youth (he avowed that handball was the solution to stress), Ripley was also a heavy drinker and, as his business empire grew, he stopped making time to exercise. In 1949, at just 59 years old, he collapsed during the filming of his last venture, a TV show, and died of a fatal heart attack.


*None of what you’ve been doing with 365DOLF this year matters unless you are taking care of yourself. If you have been enjoying the food but ignoring the workouts, it’s not going to work. Remember balance. Remember mind, body, soul. Believe it or not.


Rickey Henderson 1958

Image result for rickey henderson


“I can probably do about 65 or 100 push-ups in a row, but usually I probably do about 50 at a time,” he said. “I might do 500 while looking at a movie.”


*Do 500 push-ups while watching The African Queen


Clara Barton 1821

Image result for clara barton




Barton risked her life to bring supplies and support to soldiers in the field during the Civil War. She founded the American Red Cross in 1881, at age 60, and led it for the next 23 years. Her understanding of the ways she could provide help to people in distress guided her throughout her life. By the force of her personal example, she opened paths to the new field of volunteer service. Her intense devotion to serving others resulted in enough achievements to fill several ordinary lifetimes.


Whether helping one displaced family or thousands, providing care and comfort to an ill or injured service member or veteran, or teaching others how to respond in emergencies, it’s through the efforts of ordinary people that we can do extraordinary things.



*It doesn’t matter your age, understand that you can provide help for people in distress. Follow Clara Barton’s path to volunteer service. Have an intense devotion to serving others. Give yourself a Christmas gift of signing up to volunteer with the Red Cross in your area.


Conrad Hilton 1887

Image result for conrad hilton


Reportedly Barron was all set to leave his entire $4.5 billion estate to his family but changed his mind in 2007 after being so embarrassed by what Paris had done to the Hilton name. This move will effectively double the holdings of the foundation named for his father, Conrad (who built the hotel empire from nothing), when Barron dies. Great for humanity, bad for Hilton heirs at large. Thanks to Paris, they just lost out on $4.3 billion.


*Christmas is a great day to let your family know what you will be leaving them one day. Remind them that it’s not too late to change their ways… and you your will.

**Also let them know about the vacation you’ve booked at a Hilton Hotel in Key West as their Christmas gift. While in Key West next Christmas you will take the African Queen cruise, visit Ripley’s Believe it or Not museum, and celebrate at Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville. That’s hot!


Humphrey Bogart 1899 – watch The African Queen

Image result for humphrey bogart the african queen

The newly restored African Queen is again plying the waters of beautiful Key Largo offering daily canal cruises which depart from the Marina Del Mar marina which is part of the Holiday Inn Complex at mile marker 100 in Key Largo.


Buzz started early that Bogart would win a much overdue Academy Award for his performance in The African Queen, which Bogie shrugged off. He publicly expressed his distaste for actors competing against each other, but deep down, according to Lauren Bacall, he did want to win.


*Start a new Christmas day tradition of watching Humphrey Bogart finally win an Oscar in The African Queen. Remember to do 500 push-ups while watching.


Jimmey Buffet 1946 – “cheeseburger in paradise” and a margarita

Image result for jimmy buffett key west




Although they tend to be too sweet for me these days, every now and then I still like to have one on the rocks, no salt. I’ve had great ones and I’ve had bad ones over the years. But the very best margarita? That will always be the one that somebody else buys for you.



*Start a new Christmas night tradition of  making “cheeseburgers in paradise” and margaritas while listening to Jimmy Buffett.


Who is the market for 365DOLF?

Self-help books take a decent share of the best-sellers in bookstores, and sales have been on the rise. At the Washington, DC Public Library, for example, 11 of the top 50 titles with the highest circulation are “self help.”

The self-help book shelves at Strand bookstore in New York City have a mix of religion (365dolf – SOUL), self-improvement (365dolf – MIND, BODY, SOUL, MONEY) and fitness (365dolf – BODY) books.

Michael Santangelo, the Assistant Director of Acquisitions at the New York Public Library told Quartz, that there’s no formal catalog called “self-help” at the library. Some self-help books can be categorized as applied psychology (365dolf – MIND), some can be considered personal finance (365dolf – MONEY), and some even business management (365dolf – MONEY).

Self-help books tagged with biography, memoir, and autobiography (365dolf – FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS) have more female readers. Those tagged with psychology (365dolf – MIND), business (365dolf – MONEY), science, philosophy (365dolf – MIND) and religion (365dolf – SOUL) have more male readers. Books tagged with self-help (365dolf) alone see highest percentage of female readers.

In the study, researchers from University of Calgary conducted 134 interviews with self-help book readers and found that men and women read self-help books for different reasons. Men are more likely to read books relating to careers (365dolf – MONEY), while women are more likely to read books about interpersonal relationships (365dolf – SOUL). Overall, women read self-help books more frequently and more intensively.


Looking specifically at the Self-Help category, we find the following:

  • Readers tend to be younger, with 73% under the age of 45.
  • Overall sales of print books are fairly consistent throughout the year, with the exception of the holiday jump in December (365dolf will make an excellent Christmas gift to start the New Year), which carries over into January.


Shifting demographics.

Traditionally, the Baby Boomers (365dolf celebrates the birthdays of historical figures) have been the main consumers of self-improvement. They still are an important group, but the tide is shifting. Millennials (365dolf also celebrates the birthdays of current celebrities) now are the largest population group and represent the future for this market, but there are few experts now catering to them.

The Internet is playing a larger role.

More content (such as MP3 downloads, e-books, webinars, online courses, “academies,” “universities,” and masterminds, etc.) is being delivered online, and self-help apps (365dolf will one day be an app) are starting to take off.

Convenience and cost are key.

It’s harder to get consumers to take a flight to a seminar or retreat, get three days off from work, and pay the registration fee and hotel stay. This costs thousands. Consumers today want 24/7 access to personal development programs, at home (365dolf is 24/7-365 at the touch of reader’s fingertips), with no travel. Especially Millennials, who generally have limited budgets. That’s why the internet has become the preferred distribution method. It’s also good for gurus, who can reach more people more cost-effectively and more profitably.

Accountability will be more important.

The personal development field has had a rocky past. Many personal coaches are not qualified. Suze Orman’s financial advice has been criticized, Robert Kiyosaki filed for bankruptcy for one of his companies. People died at James Ray’s sweat lodge programs. The Ubiquitous infomercial pitchman Kevin Trudeau is in jail. His widely seen infomercials promoting his books were filled with unsubstantiated health, diet, and financial remedies that earned him a fortune.

Consumers are jaded and are questioning guru credentials more often. Future gurus will be held to a higher standard, and must produce real, measurable results and practical skills. Much of the past self-help marketing created unrealistic expectations. And, self-help may be most useful for people who don’t actually need self-help (365dolf consists of advice from six different famous people every day – not one set guru).


Millennials, whom we define as ages 20 to 35 in 2016, numbered 71 million, and Boomers (ages 52 to 70) numbered 74 million. Millennials are expected to overtake Boomers in population in 2019 as their numbers swell to 73 million and Boomers decline to 72 million.


Millennial women may be on a collision course with financial disaster

  • Millennial women seriously lag men in their financial aspirations, compared with data from the same study two years ago.
  • The reasons for this gulf include social media, career goals and family priorities.
  • This financial gap could mean women are setting themselves up for financial derailment in the future.

“Men tend to value money and feel more pressure to provide for a family,” Bohlsen said. “For women, it’s time and flexibility. The long-term goal is having that work-life balance.”


“There are now 5.5 million women in the US versus only 4.1 million men who are college graduates aged 22 to 29. That’s 33 percent more women than men.  (This is the demographic of 365dolf)


Overview of 365DOLF

OVERVIEW (What the book will be about and why someone would want to read/buy it)

Most people want to improve their lives. Especially around the Christmas holidays, gearing up for a “New Year – New Me!” Unfortunately these same people don’t go into the New Year with a set plan or any guidance. They might catch some random ideas on-line or from a magazine, but there is nothing out there to guide them every day of the year – until now. 365dolf is currently a website that does exactly that, through the focus of famous people. People can now improve their mind, body, soul, money, entertainment, and food through 365 days of living famously.

If you’ve ever waited in line and perused the magazine section, you get inundated with headlines of celebrity advice. If you’ve ever spent hours in a bookstore or online looking for self-help, you may have had to settle for a workout journal or a daily prayer log. 365dolf is truly the first of its kind to take daily famous birthdays to help guide people towards self-improvement.

Through six famous birthdays each day, people will be able to expand their minds, tone their bodies, warm their souls, improve their financial situation, escape from reality, and answer the most daunting question of each day… what’s for dinner? The finished manuscript will contain approximately 187,500 words, or 750 pages.

Every day, my readers will be able to

  • Use a famous birthday to help expand and stimulate their mind
  • Use a workout or helpful tip from a famous birthday to improve their body
  • Use a famous birthday to warm their soul
  • Use tips from a famous birthday to save or invest money, with a focus on being their own boss
  • Be entertained by a famous birthday
  • Be inspired by a famous birthday to nourish their body

Each day, my readers will receive

  • a daily life lesson to make you think
  • a daily workout or advice on better health
  • a daily dose of inspiration
  • a daily tip to improve your finances
  • a daily form of escape from reality
  • a daily recipe that can answer – “What’s for dinner?”

On a daily basis, my readers will

  • Use the MIND birthday, at the least, as a topic of conversation with coworkers, family, and friends
  • Use the BODY birthday for a suggested workout or a tip for healthy living
  • Use the SOUL birthday to keep an open mind, beyond their set religion and focus on becoming a better person
  • Use the MONEY birthday as advice from the very best at saving, investing, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy
  • Use the ENTERTAINMENT birthday as an escape from reality each day with a movie, TV show, or music
  • Use the FOOD birthday to help with at least one meal, dessert, or snack with a recipe from a celebrity chef or famous person

What is 365DOLF?

With the start of a New Year, a lot of people are looking for change. Most people want to improve themselves and be a better person. Starting on 1/1/19, 365DOLF will be unlike any other game plan for that self-improvement. Each day you will use 6 famous birthdays to help guide you for improvement with your MIND, BODY, SOUL, MONEY, ENTERTAINMENT, and FOOD.

I have provided an example of each below to give you a snapshot of how it works and a preview of 6 birthdays coming up next year.



Albert Einstein 1879

Image result for albert einstein value quote


Create Value: “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

How would you define success?  What will make your life a success?  These questions can be great ones to ask yourself.  It can be raising healthy and happy children, having meaningful and fulfilling relationships, being authentic in conversations, writing a book, loving a career, and feeling good everyday— whatever it is for you, that’s where to place or continue to place your focus.  What we focus on truly expands.



Write down the following…

Your definition of success

What will make your life a success?

What makes you valuable to others?

If you don’t know, today is the day to seek out answers to these questions.



Lisa Leslie 1972 – squats while brushing your teeth

Image result for lisa leslie


“My favorite workout involves an electric toothbrush and whole lot of squats. If you get an electric toothbrush it usually runs for two minutes [and] you do four quadrants of your mouth. While at the same time, you can do your squats. So I do my squats probably for a minute, which gets me about 50 squats in a minute and then I do leg lifts and raises for the other minute. That pretty much gets my teeth cleaned and my butt toned.”


Tone your butt while brushing your teeth. This is a suggestion that you should do today and carry on doing it every day. * A life changer *



Billy Graham 1918

Image result for billy graham


The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy . . .
—Zephaniah 3:17

The world’s millions could come down to the beach and reach out their hands to be filled with sea water. They could each take as much as they wanted, as much as they needed-and still the ocean would remain unchanged. Its might and power would be the same, the life in its unfathomable depths would continue unaltered, although it had supplied the needs of every single person standing with outstretched hands along its shores.

So it is with God. He can be everywhere at once, heeding the prayers of all who call out in the name of Christ; performing the mighty miracles that keep the stars in their places, and the plants bursting up through the earth, and the fish swimming in the sea. There is no limit to God. There is no limit to His wisdom. There is no limit to His power. There is no limit to His love. There is no limit to His mercy.

Prayer for the day

Almighty God, how glorious are my thoughts of You, for You are everywhere—loving and caring for the minutest details of our lives!

On Billy Graham’s website you can get a daily devotional and a prayer for the day. This may be something that you want to put in your daily routine.



Warren Buffett 1930

Image result for warren buffett


Watch Small Expenses: Warren Buffett invests in businesses run by managers who obsess over the tiniest costs. He once acquired a company whose owner counted the sheets in rolls of 500-sheet toilet paper to see if he was being cheated (he was). He also admired a friend who painted only on the side of his office building that faced the road. Exercising vigilance over every expense can make your profits — and your paycheck — go much further.


Exercise vigilance over every expense today – make it a habit. Check on your toilet paper too.

August 15


Jennifer Lawrence 1990 –watch Silver Linings Playbook

Image result for silver linings playbook


Volunteer with the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation

The Jennifer Lawrence Foundation supports a variety of organizations and causes.


Whatever you do, you’ve gotta find that silver lining – whether it’s the people in your life, or a change in your own mindset, or an imperfect and realistic and human combo of both.


Find that silver lining by watching JLAW win an Oscar in Silver Linings Playbook. Think of volunteering with her foundation.


Julia Child 1912 – Napoleon’s chicken

Image result for julia child


Recently, a cooking channel featured Julia’s popular napoleon’s chicken recipe. She related the fable of the Chicken Marengo recipe’s origin as created by Napoleon’s chef from the ingredients he had with him when they were at the battle of Marengo.



In honor of Napoleon (1769) and Julia Child’s birthdays, make her Napoleon’s chicken. Enjoy it while watching Silver Lining’s Playbook.

Preparing for the First Week (Edited)

The first week of 2019 will start on Tuesday, January 1 and end on Saturday, January 5.

With less than 2 weeks until New Year’s Day, here is a preview of what you’ll need for that first week – to live famously.

The first thing you should do is order a bottle of The Keaton to drink on Diane Keaton’s birthday (1/5), while watching her in The Godfather.

Image result for the keaton


The year starts with JD Salinger’s birthday, so your first suggested book is Catcher in the Rye. You can download a pdf file of it. This is the first of many books that will be suggested to you. Your goal is to read at least 1 per month. When’s the last time you read 12 books in a year?

Image result for catcher in the rye


All of the following movies are suggested as entertainment. You may want to sign up for Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime.

Goldmember (1/1) – https://www.hulu.com/movie/austin-powers-in-goldmember-51cd92f5-a7f7-46bf-81cf-3123d85684df

Image result for mini me

The Domestics (1/2) – https://www.amazon.com/Domestics-Kate-Bosworth/dp/B07FFZTWGJ

Image result for kate bosworth the domestics

The Godfather (1/5) – https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a14516804/godfather-trilogy-netflix-2018/

Image result for diane keaton the godfather

Burnt (1/5) – https://www.netflix.com/title/80048561

Image result for burnt movie

The TV suggestion for entertainment is Mad Men (1/5) –


Image result for january jones mad men

The music suggestions for entertainment are…

Daft Punk (1/3) – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_kRDKYrUlrbtrSiyu5Tflg

Image result for daft punk

R.E.M. (1/4) – https://www.remhq.com/

Image result for r.e.m. band

All of the above need no preparation, other than signing up for movie services and having access to the internet. Below you will find your shopping list for the week. I would go shopping for these things on 12/30. Print out the list below and cross off the things that you already have.


2 tablespoons Kosher salt
 1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper
 One 5-pound pork butt or pork shoulder
 10 peeled garlic cloves
 10 fresh sage leaves
 about 1 cup all-purpose flour
 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
 1/2 cup Alma’s mustard
 1/2 cup brown sugar
 4 to 5 dashes Worcestershire sauce
 1/4 cup white wine

  • 1 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes (about 3 medium), peeled and cut into 2-inch pieces
  • 1 pound vacuum-packed roasted peeled chestnuts (3 cups)



bacon, butter, maple syrup

watermelon, asparagus, Smirnoff


1 cup butter or shortening
2 cups brown sugar
3 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup walnuts
2 eggs, well beaten


1 tablespoon vegetable oil
• 2 tablespoons minced lemongrass (approximately ½ stalk)
• 1 tablespoons minced %esh ginger
• 1 tablespoon minced garlic
• 2 tablespoons minced onion
• 1 tablespoon Sriracha chile sauce
• 1 cup mirin
• ¼ cup rice wine vinegar
• 2 14-ounce cans coconut milk
• 1 large butternut squash–peeled, seeds removed, and cut
into 2-inch pieces
• 2 tablespoons soy sauce
• ¼ cup cilantro, chopped
• Juice of one lime
• Salt
• 2 teaspoons ye)ow curry powder
• ¼ cup crème %aîche
• 1 lime, peel and pith removed, cut into segments
• Toasted pumpkin seeds (pepitas)


1 best end of lamb, trimmed of sinew
50ml olive oil
4 sprigs thyme
2 sprigs rosemary
1 clove garlic, crushed

2 tbsp vegetable oil
½ tsp table salt
25g unsalted butter, cubed

250ml beetroot juice, reduced to 25ml and chilled
2 egg yolks
125ml olive oil
½ tsp table salt
½ tsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp Cabernet Sauvignon vinegar

1 long beetroot
2 tbsp rock salt

10 girolle mushrooms
20g unsalted butter
½ tsp table salt

1 globe artichoke, peeled, cooked and quartered

Borage flowers, to garnish

The above items will get you prepared for the FOOD and ENTERTAINMENT sections each day. You will also be working on improving your MIND, BODY, SOUL, and MONEY too. All by using famous birthdays each day to LIVE FAMOUSLY.