July 12



Henry David Thoreau 1817

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“Men are born to succeed, not to fail.”

*This is your morning mirror mantra (MMM) – “I was born to succeed, not to fail.”


Richard Simmons 1948

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And if you just want a quick workout you can do in five minutes, pick Cardio One, and get your sweat on while Richard Simmons calls you a pretty pony.


*Perform the Cardio One video from Richard Simmons – you pretty pony!


Malala Yousafzai 1997

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Malala accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on 10 December, and contributed her $1.1 million prize money to financing the creation of a secondary school for girls in Pakistan

Support Malala’s fight for girls’ education

Your gift today is an investment in Malala Fund programs that help girls around the world go to school


*Think of donating to Malala’s fund to help girls around the world go to school.


Brian Grazer 1951

See the source image

“In order to have value, you had to either create or manufacture ideas that had value that you could breathe life into. And that’s when I started writing ideas.”

*In order to have value, you have to create or manufacture ideas that have value. Write down your ideas and  breathe life into them.


Topher Grace 1978 – watch That 70s Show

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*Smoke weed in your basement and watch episodes of That 70s Show


Bill Cosby 1937 – Cosby Pudding Shots and a Cosbypolitan

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*Keep the party going with these Bill Cosby pudding shots. Call it a night after drinking a Cosbypolitan.

SNUB – Brock Lesnar 1977

Review –

  • You were born to succeed
  • Richard Simmons workout video
  • Support Malala’s fight for girls’ education
  • Write down your ideas and breathe life into them
  • Watch That 70s Show
  • Make Bill Cosby pudding shots