July 30



Henry Ford 1863

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“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.”

“Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success. Are you ready?  Are you thinking?”

*Think today. Spend an hour deep in thought. No phone. No TV. No distractions. Make ready your plans because getting ready is the secret to success.


Terry Crews 1968

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Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone, who complimented his arm development. “I told everybody I knew,” says Crews. “I’m still working out today on that motivation alone.”

*Knockout this Terry Crews workout and be ready to receive compliments on your arms. Watch The Expendables for motivation. Crews and Arnold share a birthday today.


Laurence Fishburne 1961

Best Laurence Fishburne GIFs | Gfycat

“In every doctrine and every dogma and every spiritualism, in every religion there are some basic spiritual truths,”

“All these things are road maps for human being to use to try to live better lives, to try to make themselves better people. I am familiar with those concepts because I spend a lot of time reading shit, that’s all. I’m making it up as I go, I’m trying to do the best I can to be the best human being I can.”

*Do the best you can today to be the best human being you can be. 


Arnold Schwarzenegger 1947

Image result for arnold schwarzenegger

“A friend of mine couldn’t understand how I had the guts to buy a rental property. My friend didn’t want to take any risks in his life.”

*Take advice from the Terminator and take a risk by investing in a rental property.


Hilary Swank 1974 – watch Boys Don’t Cry

Image result for hilary swank boys don't cry oscar

*Watch Hilary Swank win an Oscar as a boy that doesn’t cry… sort of.


Alton Brown 1962 – sour cream cheesecake

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National Cheesecake Day is observed annually on July 30th.


*On National Cheesecake day, enjoy Alton Brown’s sour cream cheesecake.

SNUB – Gina Rodriguez 1984

Gina Rodriguez GIF - GinaRodriguez Smile - Discover & Share GIFs

Review –

  • Think
  • Terry Crews workout
  • Be the best human you can be
  • Look to invest in rental properties
  • Watch Boys Don’t Cry
  • Make sour cream cheesecake

Published by

Travis Jones

I was born in Northwestern Pennsylvania and lived in a trailer park. I was raised by very conservative and religious (Wesleyan Methodist) parents. By some miracle I graduated college and moved to Florida. I have been a public school teacher since 1995. I have 7 years until I can retire. I was married in 1999 and divorced in 2001. I remarried in 2017 to Kate - 21 years my junior. Some of my life experiences as a 46-year-old, white American male, will come through in my writing, but the majority of this daily journey will be dedicated to improving myself, and hopefully you as well.

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